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JEE Main Exam Preparation

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JEE Main engineering entrance is the national level engineering undergraduate admission entrance test earlier known as AIEEA. The present version of JEE Main exam had gone through many changes from its earlier avatar. JEE Main is also the selection criteria for admissions into NITs, IITs, IIITs and other Govt funded Engineering institutions. This makes JEE Main more important than earlier as almost all the premium institutions in India now directly or indirectly consider JEE Main score for admission into their under graduate engineering courses. There are two papers for which the examination is conducted. Paper 1 is meant for B.E. / B. Tech. and Paper 2 is for B. Arch / B. Planning. This exam is a direct entry level test for NITs IIITs and other centrally funded institutions commonly known as participating institutions and institutions in participating states. Many State Governments has adopted JEE Main as their undergraduate engineering entrance test replacing their state level engineering entrance.

This apps covers the following:
- JEE Main Previous Exam Question Papers
- JEE Advanced Previous Exam Question Papers
- Free Model Papers
- JEE Main Syllabus and Exam Pattern
- Introduction about exam